Your gift makes the music possible!
raised towards $20,000 goal
Days Left
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Fundraising for a Vibrant & Sustainable PVS
In our 85th year as your symphony, our mission is to create joyful community through music for musicians and appreciators of all ages. Whatever role(s) you have in our circles of musical appreciation, learning, performance, and fellowship, we love being part of your life.
Every year, we ask for your financial support, and throughout the year individual donors and families join together to raise more than $40,000 for the PVS. We rely on these contributions to our Annual Fund to bolster all our programs and to compensate the PVS' small but fiercely dedicated operations staff. These skilled folks nurture our mission, sustain our programs, and expand our impact all year round.
With your gift, you support our 85th season AND you invest in the long-term sustainability of the Pioneer Valley Symphony's vitality. Thank you!
Give here by credit card, or avoid the fees by sending a check to:
239 Main Street Rear, Greenfield, MA 01301